Feeling sad and tired?
Not enjoying anything anymore?
Unable to carry out your usual activities?
Feeling like that for more than two weeks now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might have depression. Let us help you know what you can do.
Depression is a common health condition that causes persistent sadness and loss of interest. Depression affects how we feel, think and behave. It can cause various emotional and physical problems such as the inability to carry out normal day-to-day activities like work, studies, or other. Everyone feels sad from time to time, but persons with depression experience some of the main symptoms (see image above) for at least two weeks.
Like any other medical condition, depression can happen to anyone.
Depression can be treated.
If you think you have depression, or know someone who has depression, seek professional care as soon as possible. The earlier you seek treatment, the more effective it is.
Pay attention to ideas of self-harm or suicide. If these thoughts occur, seek help immediately.
Always remember, it is the depression that is causing you to have unrealistic negative ideas about yourself, your life and your future.
Recovering from depression is not a matter of will power. Being able to talk about depression and seeking support and treatment is a sign of strength.
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